Yield Profiles
Customers of Ovals' fintech partners may receive a varied annual percentage yield (APY) depending on their level of risk, which may differ from the APY provided by OvalFi to the partner for their treasury operations i.e. For their treasury operations, OvalFi offers ABC Investment 7% p.a. APY; nevertheless, they have the option to give the same savings to each of their individual customers at 2%, 3.5%, etc.
Regardless of the Oval service that will be used, each customer created by a Fintech partner must be allocated to a yield offering profile at the time of creation. Every restriction to be applied to the customers is configured in this yield profile, which must be created by the business either through the Manage API module of the Oval dashboard or the Create Yield Profile API.
Every Fintech partner receives a Holdings Balance default yield offering, which is automatically assigned to the partners' customers. For cryptocurrency wallet and virtual account deposit transactions, this holdings balance is used.
Updated 10 months ago