Get Customer Wallet
This method is used to retrieve the wallet address of a customer for a blockchain and asset. If a wallet for that asset type and network doesn't already exist, it creates one on the customer's behalf and then returns the wallet's details.
HTTP Method : GET
API Endpoint : {{base_url}}/api/v1/customer/wallet?customer_id={{customer_id}}&network={{network}}&asset={{asset}}
Sample cURL Request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIjoiZTY2NWJkYWUtNWE0ZC00ODNiLTk2NTQtZTk0NzViMzRjY2ViIiwidXNlcklEIjoiYTY4NjE1ZGMtMjY5MS00ZmI1LTkyZmMtNTQ1NmRlN2M3YjllIiwia2V5Ijoia3JwIn0='
Response Parameters
"status": 200,
"data": {
"customer_id": "f473d323-6141-43bc-a17e-7fdca2e618f8",
"wallet_address": "0x10aa46c55acc0492C00Fc91A51e872B4343dA3C4",
"asset": "USDC",
"network": "TEST",
"type": "stablecoin",
"created_at": "2022-10-26T13:51:55.519607624Z",
"updated_at": null
"message": "fetched customer wallet successfully!",
"error": null
data object Breakdown
Field Name | Description |
customer_Id | ID uniquely identifying the partners’ customer in Oval |
wallet_address | Customers’ permanent wallet address for that asset |
asset | Shortcode assigned to the asset i.e. USDC etc |
network | Network the asset is hosted on i.e. ETH etc |
type | Type of coin the asset is i.e. stablecoin etc |
created_at | Date & time the wallet details was created |
updated_at | Date & time the wallet details was updated |
Updated over 1 year ago