Get Customer Wallet

This method is used to retrieve the wallet address of a customer for a blockchain and asset. If a wallet for that asset type and network doesn't already exist, it creates one on the customer's behalf and then returns the wallet's details.

HTTP Method : GET
API Endpoint : {{base_url}}/api/v1/customer/wallet?customer_id={{customer_id}}&network={{network}}&asset={{asset}}

Sample cURL Request

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIjoiZTY2NWJkYWUtNWE0ZC00ODNiLTk2NTQtZTk0NzViMzRjY2ViIiwidXNlcklEIjoiYTY4NjE1ZGMtMjY5MS00ZmI1LTkyZmMtNTQ1NmRlN2M3YjllIiwia2V5Ijoia3JwIn0='

Response Parameters

  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "customer_id": "f473d323-6141-43bc-a17e-7fdca2e618f8",
    "wallet_address": "0x10aa46c55acc0492C00Fc91A51e872B4343dA3C4",
    "asset": "USDC",
    "network": "TEST",
    "type": "stablecoin",
    "created_at": "2022-10-26T13:51:55.519607624Z",
    "updated_at": null
  "message": "fetched customer wallet successfully!",
  "error": null

data object Breakdown

Field NameDescription
customer_IdID uniquely identifying the partners’ customer in Oval
wallet_addressCustomers’ permanent wallet address for that asset
assetShortcode assigned to the asset i.e. USDC etc
networkNetwork the asset is hosted on i.e. ETH etc
typeType of coin the asset is i.e. stablecoin etc
created_atDate & time the wallet details was created
updated_atDate & time the wallet details was updated