Get Payout Configuration

This endpoint is used to get payout currency configuration

Input the currency in which you intend to retrieve configuration for

HTTP Method : GET
API Endpoint :

Sample cURL Request

curl --location '
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0rwrlEIjoiYmEwY2E1NGMtZjRkYi00NDU5LWE4MDYtOTZkYzA3NWIzZjlkIiwidXNlcklEIjoiM2E5NjhiOWYtMzU5MC00ODZhLWE1MTMtYzg2MzkzZjZmYWI4Iiwia2V5IjoiaGFsZWVtYWgifQ==' \

Sample response

    "status": 200,
    "data": {
        "allow_recurring": false,
        "do_name_lookup": true,
        "fee_cap": 0,
        "fee_flat": 0,
        "fee_percentage": 0,
        "max_amount_per_payout": 120000,
        "max_count_of_payout": 20,
        "max_payout_per_day_per_person": 0,
        "min_amount_per_payout": 12,
        "min_count_of_payout": 1,
        "name_percentage_match": 90
    "message": "Payout configuration retrieved successfully!",
    "error": null