Get Exchange Rates
This method is called to fetch the applicable conversion rate, fees and commission for a specific amount value.
Supported currencies include
- NGN : Nigerian naira
- USD : United states dollars
- GHS : Ghanaian cedis
We currently support local currency (NGN, GHS) to FX currencies (USD) conversions and vice versa. We do not support local to local (i.e. NGN to GHS etc.) or FX to FX conversions
HTTP Method : GET
API Endpoint : {{baseurl}}/api/v1/transfer/quote?amount={{amount}}&source_currency={{currency}}&destination_currency={{currency}}
Sample cURL Request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIjoiZDA0MzE5ZDctYjNmYi00NzhlLWFkZTUtNzZjYzUxNzZlMWRkIiwidXNlcklEIjoiMmFhMjAwYzItMDMzZS00OTZhLTg1MDMtZDIzZDYwYjBiOTA0Iiwia2V5Ijoib2xhcHJvZzEifQ=='
amount (float) is the amount value to be converted
source_currency (string) is the local currency in which the amount value is domiciled
destination_currency (string) is the currency the beneficiary/recipient would receive.Check supported currencies for valid
"status": 200,
"data": {
"exchange_rate": 710.5,
"fee_percentage": 1,
"fee_amount": 500,
"amount_receivable": 35169750
"message": "got transfer detail successfully!",
"error": null
Updated over 2 years ago