Initiate bulk payout with file
This endpoint allows you initiate a payout with an excel file containing all your beneficiaries
To initiate a bulk payout with file, a customer must these details
Document(Excel sheet with beneficiary details)Currency(NGN, USD, GHS, XAF OR XOF)
Payout type(Bank transfer or Mobile mobile -- Applies to GHS, XOF or XAF only)
Beneficiary type(Multiple or single beneficiary)
curl --location '
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0rwrlEIjoiYmEwY2E1NGMtZjRkYi00NDU5LWE4MDYtOTZkYzA3NWIzZjlkIiwidXNlcklEIjoiM2E5NjhiOWYtMzU5MC00ODZhLWE1MTMtYzg2MzkzZjZmYWI4Iiwia2V5IjoiaGFsZWVtYWgifQ==' \
Sample JSON Response
"status": 201,
"data": {
"business_id": "d04319d7-b3fb-478e-ade5-76cc5176e1dd",
"cancel_reason": null,
"completed_at": null,
"compliance_status": "",
"count": 4,
"created_at": "2024-04-18T23:54:58.172828009Z",
"currency": "NGN",
"fee": {
"currency": "NGN",
"symbol": "₦",
"amount": 0
"is_recurring": false,
"payout_type": "multiple",
"remarks": "",
"status": "initiated",
"total_amount": 9000,
"updated_at": "2024-04-18T23:54:58.243752926Z"
"message": "Payout initiated successfully!",
"error": null
Updated 8 months ago