These set of APIs are used to invest in yield generating DeFi protocols on behalf of your individual customers.


Things To Note

  • Investment/deposit currency is the profile currency the customer is configured to
  • The yield portfolio funds to be invested in is the portfolio configured for the customers' profile.
  • APY to be applied for this deposit is as profiled in the yield offering profile configured for the customer during account creation.
  • Deposits initiated throughout the day would be batched daily based on the currency with an initial status of Unsettled.
  • Deposits for individual customers are treated on a post-funded basis and Invested funds wouldn’t start generating yield until the specified yieldable_after_day parameter configured in the profiled yield offering.



Initiated deposits in a day would not be invested until they’ve been settled. You are expected to visit the API Management module of your Oval dashboard to settle such batches.