Update Payout account
This API is used to update beneficiaries' account information when status is in needs_update
. This status displays when there is an error with the payout instruction that needs to be attended to. This may include
- Error from account lookup
- Duplicate record of the beneficiary in the payout instruction list
- A beneficiary that has maxed out the daily limit for a single beneficiary payout destination.
HTTP Method : PUT
API Endpoint :{{base_url}}/api/v1/payouts/accounts/{{beneficiary-id}}
Sample cURL Request
curl --location --request PUT 'https://sandbox-api.ovalfi-app.com/api/v1/payouts/accounts/9970ec96-2398-41a7-a826-cd51fe3ee1e9' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIj434oiYmEwY2E1NGMtZjRkYi00NDU5LWE4MDYtOTZkYzA3NWIzZjlkIiwidXNlcklEIjoiM2E5NjhiOWYtMzU5MC00ODZhLWE1MTMtYzg2MzkzZjZmYWI4Iiwia2V5IjoiaGFsZWVtYWgifQ==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"bank_details": {
"account_number": "231212112",
"account_name": "iteoluwakishi",
"routing_number": "232434",
"swift_code": "333443",
"bank_name": "gtbank",
"bank_code": "1232",
"bank_branch": "lagos",
"country": "nigeria",
"city": "lagos",
"bank_address": "lagos",
"district": "west",
"postal_code": "1234",
"is_within_US": "false"
Sample JSON Request
"bank_details": {
"account_number": "231212112",
"account_name": "iteoluwakishi",
"routing_number": "232434",
"swift_code": "333443",
"bank_name": "gtbank",
"bank_code": "1232",
"bank_branch": "lagos",
"country": "nigeria",
"city": "lagos",
"bank_address": "lagos",
"district": "west",
"postal_code": "1234",
"is_within_US": "false"
"status": 200,
"data": {
"requestID": "1a7547f8-fc26-4e1f-be3e-fe365d1ff6c0",
"id": "9970ec96-2398-41a7-a826-cd51fe3ee1e9",
"business_id": "d04319d7-b3fb-478e-ade5-76cc5176e1dd",
"payout_id": "2be56f38-08f4-48be-8580-512cf6f1cdbd",
"name": "Odetola Kehinde",
"details": {
"account_number": "231212112",
"account_name": "iteoluwakishi",
"routing_number": "232434",
"swift_code": "333443",
"bank_name": "gtbank",
"bank_code": "1232",
"bank_branch": "lagos",
"country": "nigeria",
"city": "lagos",
"bank_address": "lagos",
"district": "west",
"postal_code": "1234",
"is_within_US": "false"
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"symbol": "$",
"amount": 500000
"status": "needs_update",
"provider": "collect",
"lookup_info": "account lookup successful",
"remarks": "SALARY",
"completed_at": null,
"created_at": "2023-05-17T23:06:57.442707Z",
"updated_at": "2023-05-23T12:50:21.903012Z"
"message": "Payout account updated successfully!",
"error": null
Updated 11 months ago