Get Customer by ID

This method is called to get full details about a specific customer passing the Customer ID which was returned after successful creation.

It also returns a list of transactions the customer has ever initiated.

HTTP Method : GET
API Endpoint : {{baseurl}}/api/v1/customer/{{customerID}}

Sample cURL Request

curl --location --globoff '{{base_url}}/api/v1/customer/9f40fb69-64e3-4d23-853a-0243af155427' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIjoiZDA0MzE5ZDctYjNmYi00NzhlLWFkZTUtNzZjYzUxNzZlMWRkIiwidXNlcklEIjoiMmFhMjAwYzItMDMzZS00OTZhLTg1MDMtZDIzZDYwYjBiOTA0Iiwia2V5IjoibGFsYSJ9'


    "status": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": "9f40fb69-64e3-4d23-853a-0243af155427",
        "customer_name": "LALA",
        "mobile_number": "09090909099",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "created_at": "2022-06-20T23:29:11.832245Z",
        "updated_at": null,
        "channel": "api",
        "reference": "ref12459",
        "api_yield_offering_ids": [
    "message": "fetched customer detail successfully!",
    "error": null