Create Yield Offering Profiles

This API is called to create an APY profile and specify configurations/restrictions of that profile. This is suitable for partners whose customers are categorised into different risk levels hence should earn different APYs.

To know your portfolios and identify desired portfolioID to be passed in your request, call the Get Business Portfolios API

For successful API calls, a yield offering id is automatically generated and returned in the call response; the fintech partner is expected to store this information. Please keep in mind that a fintech partner may have multiple yield offering profiles active at the same time.

HTTP Method : POST
API Endpoint : {{baseurl}}/api/v1/configuration/yield-offering

Sample cURL Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIjoiZTY2NWJkYWUtNWE0ZC00ODNiLTk2NTQtZTk0NzViMzRjY2ViIiwidXNlcklEIjoiYTY4NjE1ZGMtMjY5MS00ZmI1LTkyZmMtNTQ1NmRlN2M3YjllIiwia2V5Ijoia3JwIn0=' \
--header 'Signature: f680fe09b21bbb156cf9e85cd64b765f2791013f8f300c184a211f4f509b3c7a' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "aave yield",
    "description": "for aave",
    "apy_rate": 10,
    "deposit_lock_day": 2,
    "minimum_deposit_allowed": 100,
    "maximum_deposit_allowed": 3000,
    "yieldable_after_day": 1,
    "withdrawal_limit_rate": 900,
    "portfolio_id": "0ff9e20b-66ab-4f67-8d2a-32dcd21b7f85",
    "reference": "ref87579724"



You can't create a yield offering profile usi

Sample JSON Request

    "name": "aave yield",
    "description": "for aave",
    "apy_rate": 10,
    "deposit_lock_day": 2,
    "minimum_deposit_allowed": 100,
    "maximum_deposit_allowed": 3000,
    "yieldable_after_day": 1,
    "withdrawal_limit_rate": 900,
    "portfolio_id": "0ff9e20b-66ab-4f67-8d2a-32dcd21b7f85",
    "reference": "ref87579724"



When creating a yield profile strictly for money exchange services (this means that customers in this profile can't initiate a savings/deposit and withdrawal transaction, hence they can't earn yield), nullify every other parameter except "name", "description" and "reference" .


    "status": 200,
    "data": {
        "yield_offering_id": "325d9c03-c708-4556-8725-b6a0842fdf3a",
        "name": "aave yield",
        "description": "for aave",
        "apy_rate": 10,
        "deposit_lock_day": 2,
        "minimum_deposit_allowed": 100,
        "maximum_deposit_allowed": 3000,
        "yieldable_after_day": 1,
        "withdrawal_limit_rate": 900,
        "portfolio_id": "0ff9e20b-66ab-4f67-8d2a-32dcd21b7f85",
        "reference": "ref87579724"
    "message": "create yield offering profile successfully",
    "error": null