Get Business Portfolios
This method is called to fetch the list of all Ovals' savings portfolios configured to be accessed by the fintech partner and their portfolio IDs.
HTTP Method : GET
API Endpoint : {{baseurl}}/api/v1/configuration/portfolio
Sample cURL Request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIjoiZDA0MzE5ZDctYjNmYi00NzhlLWFkZTUtNzZjYzUxNzZlMWRkIiwidXNlcklEIjoiMmFhMjAwYzItMDMzZS00OTZhLTg1MDMtZDIzZDYwYjBiOTA0Iiwia2V5Ijoib2xhcHJvZzEifQ=='
"status": 200,
"data": [
"id": "86e55798-6a88-4333-9dc2-451ae7370283",
"name": "oval",
"description": "multi",
"network": "aave",
"apy_rate": 12
"id": "7fa9df7d-cf9c-4e67-a908-47cdd5c1955d",
"name": "Test",
"description": "multi-yield test",
"network": "terra",
"apy_rate": 10
"message": "got yield offering successfully",
"error": null
Updated 10 months ago