Get All Yield Profiles
This method returns a list of all the yield profiles ever created by a fintech partner. However, to fetch full details about a specific yield profile including list of customers configured for that profile, you would need to call the Get Yield Profile by ID API
HTTP Method : GET
API Endpoint : {{baseurl}}/api/v1/configuration/yield-offering
Sample cURL Request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJidXNpbmVzc0lEIjoiMjIzMzg3MzAtYWUyMC00MjM1LWJkMmMtYjVmY2Y3OTVjYWJhIiwia2V5IjoibGFsYXBhc3MifQ=='
"code": 200,
"data": [
"yield_offering_id": "97dfb19f-4880-4e6c-b572-a69d6742e931",
"BusinessID": "22338730-ae20-4235-bd2c-b5fcf795caba",
"name": "anchor protocol",
"description": "this is for all",
"apy_rate": 20,
"currency": "usd",
"deposit_lock_day": 3,
"minimum_deposit_allowed": 50,
"maximum_deposit_allowed": 300,
"yieldable_after_day": 1,
"withdrawal_limit_rate": 20,
"portfolio_id": "4e0ecf95-8a0a-4877-9aae-fab1b46f8d48",
"reference": ""
"yield_offering_id": "1cf1bac8-64e3-4a00-9414-cd23ce3e5c08",
"BusinessID": "22338730-ae20-4235-bd2c-b5fcf795caba",
"name": "aave yield",
"description": "for aave",
"apy_rate": 10,
"currency": "usd",
"deposit_lock_day": 2,
"minimum_deposit_allowed": 100,
"maximum_deposit_allowed": 3000,
"yieldable_after_day": 1,
"withdrawal_limit_rate": 900,
"portfolio_id": "12fd133a-23fd-411b-bd05-8039e53d3638",
"reference": ""
"message": "get yield offering successfully",
"error": null
Updated 10 months ago