Partner Accounts

Below is a list of the various account types within Oval Finance (OvalFi)

Partner account : This is the default account created for a fintech partner/business immediately your business is registered in OvalFi and it's uniquely identified by a Business ID. It's the account utilized for all investment and terminal transactions in OvalFi.
It also serves as a holding account for all funds remitted to Oval without clear instructions on the utilisation. Only one partner account is created per organisation.

Withdrawal Accounts : These are the withdrawal methods profiled for your business on the OvalFi dashboard. It instructs OvalFi on where to send your money after successfully processing any withdrawal from investment request.
Note : You can not profile more than 1 bank account (for wire/bank transfers) and 1 wallet address(crypto asset transfer) withdrawal method.

Customer Accounts : To extend OvalFi's services to your individual customers, you'll need to create individual accounts for them under your profile and this can only be done via API. Your customers wouldn't be aware of these accounts and it can't be accessed outside the partner account dashboard neither do they have their own sign-in credentials.

Each customer is uniquely identified by a CustomerID, deposit and withdrawal transactions initiated by you via API on behalf of your customers reflects on the partner account i.e if your customer initiates a deposit of $5000, we make an investment of $5000 on behalf of the partner into their assigned De-Fi protocol etc. We'll however provide a breakdown for each customers' transaction and their generated yield.