
Quote ID addition

This document describes the updates to our APIs to address the potential issue of rate changes between fetching a rate/quote and initiating a transfer or currency swap. We have implemented the use of a quoteID to lock rates for a specified duration within which the locked rates can be used.

A. Fetch Rates/Quotes API
Endpoint: GET /api/v1/quotes
Description: Fetches the current exchange rates and returns alongside a quoteID to lock the rate for a specified duration.
Sample Response

    "status": 200,  
    "data": {  
        "exchange_rate": 1600,  
        "fee_percentage": 10,  
        "flat_fee": 0,  
        "fee_amount": 100000,  
        "amount_receivable": 562.5,  
        "quote_id": "9b532b81-8f3b-40cf-8fe3-816a59548757",  
        "quote_expiry_in_minutes": "10m0s"  
    "message": "Retrieved exchange rates successfully",  
    "error": null  

B. Initiate Currency Swap API
Endpoint: POST /api/v1/initiateCurrencySwap
Description: Initiates a currency swap. Optionally accepts a quoteID to use a previously locked rate.

Request Body:
quoteID (optional): The quoteID received from the fetch rates/quotes API.

Response Body:Same as before

C. Initiate Transfer API
Endpoint: POST /api/v1/transfers
Description: Initiates a transfer. Optionally accepts a quoteID to use a previously locked rate.
Request Body:

    "amount": 212,  
    "source_currency": "USD",  
    "destination_currency": "NGN",  
    "use_balance": "no",  
    "destination": {  
        "type": "fiat",  
        "bank_details": {  
            "account_name": "Olawale OLADAPO",  
            "account_number": "201148503",  
            "bank_address": "1, God's Own Avenue, Lagos",  
            "bank_branch": "",  
            "bank_code": "058",  
            "bank_name": "First Bank",  
            "city": "God's Own",  
            "country": "NG",  
            "district": "",  
            "is_mobile_money": "no",  
            "is_within_us": "no",  
            "postal_code": "",  
            "routing_number": "",  
            "swift_code": "FBNINGLA"  
        "personal_details": {  
            "name": "Olawale OLADAPO",  
            "address": "Olawale Avenue",  
            "city": "Lagos",  
            "country": "NG",  
            "district": "",  
            "email": "",  
            "postal_code": "",  
            "phone_number": ""  
    "quote_id": "9b532b81-8f3b-40cf-8fe3-816a59548757",  
    "note": "this is the first note here",  
    "reason": "some reason for the transfer"  